What's included?

  • Practice test

    Each quiz is designed to align with NGSSS Science State standards. Utilize practice test to increase test scores!

  • Data Collection

    Immediate feedback and self scoring. Track student performance. Never grade a test again!

  • On-line

    Computer access for every student in your class. Let ScienceWorks Academy do all the work for you.

  • Videos

    Whiteboard animation explain-er videos to insure understanding of every concept.

  • Self Graded

    Never grade another practice test again. Let us grade it for you. Immediate feedback and data collection.

  • Quizzes

    Nature of Science contains 10 quizzes, video ex-plainer videos, and individual data collection. Test feel and look like a real state test. Students feel more confident and prepared!

Course Curriculum

"Click on each to learn more"

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Increase science test scores while mastering difficult concepts. Aligned to national standards.

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